The Literary Art of Jack Forge

The Epiphanies of Jack Forge

We confuse survival of our species with survival of our individuals.

One who abuses one's opponent loses the argument.

The stock market rises on rumor and falls on facts.

Chance, choice, and change control the universe.

Love is the greatest good, beauty is the way to love, and knowledge reveals the beautiful; therefore, the best one can do is to know.

The fear of disaster usually exceeds the reality.

One's interests determine one's qualities.

To be most interesting, one should discuss ideas instead of people or things.

The more self-righteous one is, the more likely wrong.

To be good, art must involve, as food and sex must delight.

Trusting an ignorant majority compares to accepting a lynch mob as jury.

Excessive individuation guarantees failure.

Mediocracy: government of the popular, for the popular, and by the popular.

Faith in religion is but a fantasy of hope against reality.

God is a figment of arrogance; heaven is a figment of desire; hell is a figment of guilt.

Death is but an eternal, dreamless sleep.

The more we speak, the less we learn.

Learning begins with desire, continues through observation, and confirms with experience.

Train for skill, but educate for enlightenment.

Great art is a renewable feast.

The first artists were once priests who had been magicians.

Art is homoepathic magic that makes people believe human life is worthwhile.

For love to be true it must be continued constantly and unconditionally; consequently, no one can truly love.

True love dwells in eternity with absolute beauty, omniscience, immortality, and perfection.

We often mistake fantasy, fascination, and feeling for love.

Love at first sight is no more possible than satiety at first bite.

The primary reason for marriage is to have children, the secondary reason to reach companionship, and the tertiary to gain economy.

For mutual love to occur between strangers, friendship must come first.

The greatest human powers result from our failings as well as from our achievements.

The only evil on Earth is waste.

Humans are the only animals on Earth that waste.

To create, one must look to Nature.

Nature is the real world that makes one believe life is worthwhile.

Capitalism yields pride, greed, intemperance, envy, sloth, and lust; socialism yields sloth and dependency. Capitalism encourages independence, and socialism encourages dependence; together they make a balanced economy.

As social animals, humans must depend upon each other by nature.

Sloth results from genetic inheritance, familial example, and societal permissiveness, but we can eliminate it through education.

Values determine the success or failure of a society.

A society, like any network, is only as strong as its weakest link.

A society of extremes dwells in disarray.

A society that values love, family, creativity, tolerance, knowledge, fortitude, temperance, health, perserverance, loyalty, diligence, coorperation, discipline, unity, freedom, and responsibility succeeds. However, a society that values pride, conformity, separateness, wealth, mediocrity, opportunism, greed, militarism, expediency, pleasure, dominance, competition, luxury, extravagance, convenience, and ease fails.

Cooperation unites; competition separates. Both together result in equilibrium.

Freedom without responsibility is chaos.

In seventy-five years more or less we all die from the same cause--life.

A good teacher shows the way to learning; a good student goes beyond.

The principal malady of humankind is the persistence of ignorance.

The greatness of humanity comes from thinking.

We can find perfection only in oblivion.

Charity bonds a society.

Civilization develops from culture, just as a forest develops from the ground.

Ignorant masses are monstrous.

Truly positive people are aware of the negative in life that needs to be made positive; negative people are attracted only to the positive and deny the negative.

We should ignore anonymous accusations as merely insults from cowards.

The level of culture one enjoys indicates the level of intellectuality one has attained.

A family gathers by custom, tradition, and need, but bonds by love.

When most people are ignorant, majority rule becomes a tyranny of the masses.

With an enlightened leadership any system of government can succeed.

Good government yields good economics.

A wise person seeks to solve problems by preventing their causes instead of only alleviating their effects.

To submit to fear is to die in spirit.

Fight or flight: confrontation or escape are the only ways to respond to any situation; inaction means certain failure.

In Nature is our end and our beginning.

We live or die by our willingness to cooperate with the natural way of things.

The purpose of coitus is procreation; otherwise, the act is either diversion or perversion.

Profound love between a man and a woman develops from the mutual bonding of their minds, souls, and bodies.

We are as we act.

Life is the divine force of the universe.

We must first understand the profoundest troubles to eliminate them.

Injury and fear turn to rage, just as heat and wind make fire.

Science without art is like gardening without cooking.

God is simply the creative force of the universe.

Health, knowledge, and love: these should be our priorities.

The sphere is the purest form of the universe.

Wanton human killing destroys humanity.

To grow out of the self is one of the most difficult tasks in life.

Love makes peace.

Hell is the absence of virtue.

All the things of heaven, purgatory, and hell are found in life; death is the escape from them all.

Life without love is not worth living.

Love begets love.

Living without love is a profound misfortune.

Those who lack adequate love commit all the wickedness of humankind.

To love well one must first know love from others.

We can achieve nothing humanly worthwhile without the force of love.

Hell is the absence of love.

Male & female love yields a balanced masculine-feminine being.

Real love is abstract: found not in the favor but in the feeling, not in the gift but in the giving.

One should beware of unexpected favors & gifts, for they do not bestow love but merely beg it.

The larger the unexpected gift, the greater the danger of duplicity in the giver.

Only self-sacrificial caring deserves the name of love.

Need is urgent, but love is patient.

Only relative equals can become true friends: equals in mind, body, and spirit.

Making too many mistakes is a way of committing suicide.

A self-destructive individual would have been better off born dead.

One should be careful not to give away the heart, lest one also gives away the soul.

Loving is not giving the heart but sharing it.

Make no commitment till you know the goal.

Nature, art, and love are the only worthy diversions from routine.

Follow your insights.

Be ruthless in choosing friends.

Friends are of three kinds: acquaintances, companions, and soul-mates.

Flattery is poisoned bait.

A pretense of love is worse than no love at all.

Always do as you would have others do.

Infatuation is self-delusion born of fantasy.

To love well one must not need love but give it for the need of others.

What joy can be found in life when one is bleeding from body and soul?

Study, think, act.

We find right or wrong in the results of our actions.

The fool is not necessarily one who takes a chance, but one who fails to learn from a choice.

We can function well with love, duty, and knowledge; but till we become accustomed to them, we need rules.

Excessive freedom spoils the uncultured person, just as permissiveness spoils the child.

Thinking and loving are the only ways to escape the jungle.

Only a superior soul can continually show kindness.

Children without good values are the most dangerous animals on Earth because they become adults without virtues.

If men and women do not cooperate, there can be no future for humanity.

Each person must find his or her own way to improve the world.

Blaming others for our weaknesses is like blaming rain for making us wet.

We should not seek education for wealth but for well being.

Simply being human is not enough to be a good part of humanity.

Stupidity is the worst of all plagues.

The pith of a good book is its liberality.

Human progress comes more from the heart than from the mind.

If one can do nothing for the world then one should leave it.

The driving force of the cosmos is life.

The bonding force of life is love.

Hate is not the absence of love but its failure.

We cannot hate what we cannot love.

The foolish fear the unknown, but the wise examine it.

As God is the creative force of the cosmos, the artist is God's representative in life.

Wisdom begins with knowledge of our own strengths and weaknesses.

As God creates for the good of all existence, the artist creates for the good of humanity.

The essence of friendship endures beyond friends.

Nature maintains a balance whether by creation or destruction.

Many people talk a good life, but few live it.

Virtue is the harmony of body, mind, and spirit.

Duties apply to us in direct proportion to the pleasures we enjoy.

All humans are born with a desire for happiness, beginning with a reach for the breast and ending with a prayer for heaven.

Only those with vision themselves can see the vision of others.

One's heroes personify one's character.

If more water is needed in a stream, we should not reduce irrigation nor pray for rain but simply open the dam.

Man is a beast trying to be an angel.

Sleep is death without the commitment.

When one spits in public, a big part of one's brain lies on the spot.

Until we can control our population, as with other animals, we shall decline.

Physical and emotional pain can lead to intense thought.

Great artists exist only in the past.

The more we own, the less we have.

Earth is the nearest to heaven we will ever reach.

Life is serious, so we should not live it lightly.

What we do in life may have serious repercussions far beyond us.

Humans are the stewards of Earth.

Sin is the corruption of natural instincts.

The motion picture screen dominates the printed page.

If most people are doing something, it could be wrong.

We learn best by doing.

The three most important books in the world are the Analects of Confucius, the King James Bible, and the Works of Shakespeare.

Rivers are liquid music.

God is simply the idea of perfection.

All life seeks perfection as flowers seek the sun.

We gain success mainly by hard work helped with a little luck through the right connections.

Quality is not necessarily a priority of success.

When the natural egoism with which we are born persists in being a main factor in human personality, it causes our degradation.

Homosexuality is no more of a healthy condition among humans than it would be among a farmer's livestock.

The essential steps to language learning are listening, speaking, reading, and writing; without enough skill in each, the whole process suffers.

Not only are humans not divine but quite possibly an aberration of Nature.

Just as a species is likely to perish when too scarce, so it is when too abundant.

The human mind, not the body, not even the spirit, but the marvelous mind is our greatest quality.

Assume the worst but hope for the best.

Only imagination distinguishes humans from the other animals.

Equality is entirely a societal construct that does not exits in Nature.

Without love family is merely an accidental relationship that may do more harm than good.

As goes the family, so goes the world.

Irresponsibility in marriage destroys civilization.

People determine important positions in society too often by influence than by quality.

If civilization were to disappear, Earth would again become pristine.

Humans are the most treacherous animals.

We can most accurately apply the word monster only to humans.

For the best chance to succeed, one should discover what one enjoys doing well and pursue it with one's whole being.

People want ease but need strife to live well.

Humans are the only evil beings on Earth.

Work wards off woe.

I went to Nature in search of the divine and found evidence of its presence.

Shall one be poor in heaven or rich in hell?

The redwood tree is the scepter of God.

A field of wild mustard in bloom is a vast homage to the sun.

A monster is a potential artist gone wrong.

The economy is like the weather: you have to live it to know it for sure.

Writing a story is like living a part of life.

Unfortunately no application, no education, no training, no credentials, no certificates, and no references are required for having children.

Nothing will destroy Earth but the star that gave it birth.

Society considers individuality good as long as the individual behaves like everyone else.

Despite the human race, the wild will win.

Thousands of years after Confucius, Siddhartha, Socrates, and Jesus we still have not learned to behave ourselves.

We must always remember that only right corrects wrong.

Despite what some of the self-serving masters of the world would have us think: a good result never, absolutely never justifies a bad method to achieve it.

To improve the world, boycott the products of those who control it.

One will do anything one can to feel superior to everyone else.

Cars will be our coffins.

One who forsakes righteous principles is dead with his heart still beating.

Euphemism is the sign of a paralyzed mind.

Charity means giving to others only when it hurts to give.

One's charity can be measured accurately only by others.

Sunset is the color of death, sunrise the color of birth.

Trees are living prayers.

You can deceive us, cheat us, rob us, betray us, deny us, imprison us, and kill us but you cannot destroy our spirit for justice.

Gold is solid sunlight.

A bad person is one who serves himself at the expense of others; a good person is one who serves himself at the benefit of others.

Cynicism may be a negative way of looking at humanity but it's accurate.

Better to crash and burn in flaming righteousness than to fall comfortably asleep in a bed of iniquity.

Falling in love is ninety percent gullibility and ten percent fantasy.

Marching in the street is often an impotent demonstration of freedom-indulged people with too much comfort.

Mediocrity casts no shadow.

Complacency kills creativity.

When nature upsets Earth, we call it a catastrophe; when we do it, we call it progress.

People do not believe a cliff is in their path until they fall off it.

We need each other but hate the fact.

Selfishness is the only motivator.

No matter what we do to living things, blood and sap will rise.

If you cannot live a graceful life, die a graceful death.

Every human action is temporary.

Reunions are for people who normally would not associate with each other but get together to see how superior they can feel to others.

Elections are primarily popularity contests.

People walk carelessly along the edge of a cliff even when warned that the ground beneath them is crumbling.

People wish for sunny skies and then die from the heat.

One does everything to empower oneself.

Artists are the stewards of the soul of humanity.

Money is like water: enough, your sustained; too much, you drown.

Maturity is working one's way out of the center of oneself.

The best among us try to make good on the bad we have done during our lives.

We experience three conditions in life: happiness, banality, and misery; the first and last occur briefly but the second is long lasting.

(More to come.)
